A word from the Lord healed my friend of kidney problem
While Pastor Banjo was preaching on a certain Sunday, during which he pause a little while, and he said he got a Word of Knowledge from God which says that God was going to heal anyone with a kidney problem at that moment, to which I raised up my hand to receive the Word of God for my friend who was dying of kidney problem in Africa.
On the following Monday, I called my friend in Africa and I told her that which took place in the Church on Sunday and that I had received God’s promise of healing for her. It was the same day that the doctors were to carry out a surgical operation on her. My friend then requested the doctors to carry out a test prior to the operation to see if she was healed. To everyone’s amazement, her kidney had been cured by God’s power. This God is good, and His word is true – Psalm 107 verse 20 “He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions”. Thank you Jesus, and thank you pastor.
Sister U.O.