As It Is In Heaven
‘May Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven’ …
Most of us have recited this prayer many times,
perhaps forgetting to consider it’s content, because it’s so familiar.
But can you imagine for a moment what this world would be like
if God’s will were actually done here, the way it is in the glorious realms of Heaven?
There would be a total absence of negative influence of any kind.
No power struggles, no fighting,
no senseless annihilation of other human beings …
no greed or selfishness, a total absence of hatred and perversion …
just the amazing freedom that comes from being God-focused
instead of centred on ourselves.
Everyone would have peace, wholeness, certainty and purpose.
Bright joy would overflow,
fullness of life would shine from transformed people
delighting in the freedom of giving glory to their God,
Who is the source of all beauty and goodness,
and Who loves them fully …
as it is in Heaven.
God fills that high place of completeness and fulfillment;
His character permeates every part,
so that nothing negative can live there.
(When we who are redeemed arrive in Glory, there will be nothing negative in us either).
Everyone in heaven exists in the atmosphere of the attributes of Jesus –
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control;
those things are the norm.
It’s no wonder, then, that it is a domain of supreme happiness.
And that is the kind of life God wants to reproduce in us.
It’s the kind of kingdom Adam & Eve were originally given to live in.
But when sin entered the world, this ideal life was lost
through the foolish actions of man, who disobeyed God.
Instead of glory, there was now chaos & loss,
destruction & death, fighting & fears …
Until Jesus came.
God saw that a man had to redeem what was lost by a man,
so sent His Son in human form to win back the kingdom of light.
Through the Cross & Resurrection, Jesus reclaimed man’s relationship with God
and every positive asset of His kingdom – love, light, son-ship
and the government of worlds.
But he needs us, His people, to make that kingdom power
a reality on this earth, under His governance …
by living His life & taking back ground that was once lost, but is now legally ours.
Yes, that means you and I.
Cath Foley
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.