We are back to our Church Building in Newcastle

From Sunday 23rd May 2021 we are back to our church building for worship services. (please read all information and get a ticket ONLY IF YOU AGREE)
About this event
However, due to social distancing you are required to get a ticket to let us know you are attending. Please get a ticket early as tickets are limited to 30 per Sunday.
Privacy Statement
The King’s Castle Church, Newcastle Privacy Notice for collecting contact information from church attendees.
The Charity Trustees of The King’s Castle Church (as Data Controller)* can be contacted by ringing 0786 166 1380 or emailing admin@thekingscastlechurch.org.uk
We are collecting the names and contact details of church attendees in order to fulfil our responsibility to provide a safe environment in which those attending The King’s Castle Church (TKCC) can pray and worship during this Covid-19 recovery phase. We will only use this information to contact individuals in the event that we believe they may have come into contact with a suspected case of Covid-19 at TKCC. In that case it may be necessary to share the details collected details with NHS Test and Protect if they are requested for contact tracing and the investigation of local outbreaks. The names and contact details collected will temporarily be stored in a folder and kept secure. They will be retained for a period of 21 days from the date of collection, in line with government guidance and then disposed of within the following 7 days.
Please inform the leadership TKCC as soon as possible if you test positive for coronavirus or develop any of the following COVID-19 symptoms:
a high temperature
a new, continuous cough
a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
shortness of breath
*Data Protection legislation allows us to process this information as we regard it as being in the church’s legitimate interest. The Information Commissioner’s Office has published guidance on data handling during the pandemic. Please see www.ico.org.uk/coronavirus
Recommended Good Practice for Church Members at The King’s Castle Church
Social Distancing
The government social distancing requirement currently remains 2 metres in England. It is recommended that this is observed in seating arrangements because this is where attendees at the church will spend the majority of their time.
The chairs in the main church hall, as well as those upstairs have been re-arranged to reflect this requirement; providing for family/household bubbles to sit together and maintain a radial 2m physical distance from others not in their household/extended household group. Where individuals attend services on their own, persons may seat at opposite ends of the arranged row of seats, leaving the seats between them unoccupied for the duration of the church service.
Please note that in an emergency such as a fire or accident, people do not have to stay socially distanced if it would be unsafe. People involved in the provision of assistance to others during an emergency evacuation should pay attention to sanitation measures immediately afterwards, including washing/sanitisation of hands.
Hygiene Practices
Good hygiene practices can prevent transmission of the coronavirus from an infected person to a non-infected person, either directly or via a surface. Everyone attending the church premises is required to demonstrate good hygiene practices including:
All attendees are to wash or sanitise hands on entry. Hand sanitisers stations are provided at the building’s entrance and exit to enable this
Management of coughs and sneezes – cover mouth and nose with tissue or sleeve. Dispose of used tissues immediately
Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds or more. Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
Minimising unnecessary hand contact with surfaces such as doorknobs (e.g. use elbows or shoulders to nudge swing doors open when entering toilets)
Avoid multiple people handling the same objects, such as pens, books, microphones, chairs, etc. Where this cannot be avoided, ensure that hands are cleaned prior to handling such objects
Individuals are requested not to touch or kiss anyone outside their household group
As stated in government guidelines, the kitchen will be closed. No food or drink is to be made available with the exception of water, if this is necessary for health reasons. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own bottled water. Where access to drinking tap water is required, an Usher will supervise this. Water taps are to be wiped down after use.
Use of PPE During Church Services
To minimise transmission risk all attendees are required to wear a face covering while in the church building. This is one factor which can help to reduce transmission risk where one cannot operate with social distancing of 2m. If 2m social distancing is maintained, then a face covering is not essential under the government guidelines, however its use will give attendees enhanced confidence about their Covid-secure safety while in the church.
In order to ensure that face coverings are used correctly and do not become a mechanism for disease transmission themselves, attendees are encouraged to:
Wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face covering on and after removing it
When wearing a face covering, individuals should avoid touching their face or face covering, as it could contaminate them with germs from their hands
Change their face covering if it becomes damp or if they have touched it
Continue to wash their hands regularly
Continue to practice social distancing wherever possible
Bins are provided around the building to allow for disposable face coverings to be disposed of safely.
Face shields that provide an impermeable shield for the eyes, nose and mouth, and other PPE are not needed for the general users of the premises, but attendees who wish to use them are welcome to do so.
Gloves are generally only needed for cleaners and can be counter-productive if not changed regularly as gloves can transmit diseases to the skin. Regular hand washing is more effective than incorrect use of gloves.
Fixed screens may be useful in some circumstances to separate attendees from church volunteers. However, the use of screens will only be applied in appropriate circumstances.
Use of Toilet Facilities
Attendees are encouraged to use private facilities at home before and after the service, if possible. This will minimise the need to use the shared toilet facilities on the Church premises.
Toilets are known to present an elevated virus transmission risk and will be carefully managed on site.
The following practices are implemented:
Toilets are thoroughly cleaned before and after every service. A thorough cleaning exercise is also carried out once, halfway through the service
Hand sanitiser stations are available just outside the entrance to the toilets
When entering, persons are encouraged to use their elbows or shoulders to nudge the swing doors open, where possible
Disposable paper towers are provided in dispensers that means a person only touches their own paper towel
Electric hand dryers can be used as an alternative to paper towels
Persons are advised to use disposable toilets provided to pull the door handle open when leaving the toilets
Pedal operated lidded bins are provided for disposal of used paper towels
Even where a toilet facility has multiple cubicles, we recommend that only one person at a time should enter to ensure social distancing is maintained around hand-wash areas etc.
Disinfectant sprays and disposable paper towels are provided so that the toilet seats and flushers can be cleaned by users (suitable instructions on use and disposal are provided)
Signage is provided, explaining the rules for toilet use, promote good hygiene practices (such as 20-second hand washing) and promote social distancing
Children under 11 are to be accompanied to the toilet by an adult from their own household to ensure compliance with good hygiene practice and social distancing
Seating Arrangements and Seating Capacity
Online streaming of services/events is still considered the preferred method of participating in our Church activities, in line with Government Guidance – “It is encouraged that services continue to take place online wherever possible.”
The maximum number of persons permitted to attend services on-site is as specified by the government per time. Arrangements are in place to communicate details of numbers permitted to all Ministers, leaders, staff, attendees, members and visitors. A system is in place to ensure prescribed seating capacity is not exceed for any reason at any time. Every person attending TKCC is required to adhere to the system implemented by the church leadership and collective support will guarantee compliance with government directives.
The chairs in the main church hall and upstairs have been arranged in clusters of seats to allow for household/extended household groups to sit together, while maintaining at least 2m physical distance from another household/extended household group. Ushers are on hand to direct individuals who may attend services on their own, to ensure that the seating of persons optimises the available facilities on site. The church leadership is counting on the cooperation of all persons on site to ensure that prescribed seating arrangements and capacity allowances are adhered to at all times.
Coronavirus Emergency Action Plan
Should someone attending the church start to experience/display symptoms of Coronavirus (i.e. new continuous cough, high temperature, loss of sense of smell or taste, shortness of breath) the following steps will be taken:
1) The person will be asked to leave the site as soon as possible, return home and seek guidance from NHS Inform as to self-isolation and testing.
2) Anyone known to have been in close contact with the suspected case is advised to wash their hands as soon as possible.
3) Any surfaces likely to have been contaminated is cleaned in line with cleaning guidance.
4) Consideration will be given to whether to bring the service to an early conclusion.
5) The Health and Safety Executive website will be consulted as to whether the event should be reported – https://www.hse.gov.uk/coronavirus/riddor/
Please get a ticket ONLY IF YOU AGREE to abide by the terms and conditions above.